View personal information without authorisation and you could face disciplinary action
NHS Lanarkshire has implemented a new communication plan which went live on 2nd December 2013. Employees have been notified of changes through payslips and introductory events.
UNISON has highlighted how these changes would affect members through previous bulletins.
The new system went live on 2nd December 2013. This system has provided NHS Lanarkshire with information which enables them to spot potential misuses of personal information and breaches of confidentiality.
Confidentiality breaches include:-
1. Unauthorised examination of the records of famous or public figures
2. Accessing your own medical record
3. Accessing records of colleagues, friends, family or neighbours
4. Using the login of a fellow member of staff
This is Fairwarning!!
for more information visit http://firstport2/staff-support/ehealth-ict or contact the local UNISON branch office