UNISON will continue to put forward an alternative economic strategy focused on building a successful economy in order to support a better society.
This economic strategy based on reality, not the coalition myths - a strategy that will create demand in the economy, will create employment through investment in skills and infrastructure, and that sees investment in public services as a boost to the economy.
"We have already agreed it wasn't the nurses, janitors, social workers or any other public sector worker who broke the bank" said Jane Carolan, NEC.
"And it wasn't just the bankers, financiers and speculators on their own, but a rampant free market casino capitalism unregulated and unfettered by either national or international law"
Jane slammed the Tory austerity agenda, an agenda not borne out of economic necessity but of free market ideology that seeks to diminish the state, an agenda that makes no economic sense whatsoever.
"Public services slashed, unemployment rising, for a million young people the future is bleak. There is no economic growth. Our economy is in recession. Income is falling for the nation and for the individuals while basic prices rise. But the millionaires cheered their tax cut from Cameron."
"As a union, we have to speak out for our members to defend their jobs and standards of living. But as a union that believes in social justice we also need to speak out for the unemployed, those losing benefits, those reduced to poverty, as the poorest lose most when public services are cut."
"Why don't we invest in public services to ensure that basic needs like health and education are met? Build new social housing. Not just creating jobs but tackling inequality."
"Mind you, there are cuts we support - cancel Trident, cut military spending on unnecessary wars, cut out PFI, cut privatisation, cut the use of parasites called consultants. Those cuts will save over £100billion per year to be put to good use."
Lillian Macer, Scottish Regional Delegate, said that the coalition austerity measure have indeed, as we told them, proven to be avoidable, unfair and regressive.
"UNISON Scotland through the STUC will continue to pursue the There is a Better Way Campaign with passion, vigour and new ideas for a better society.
“We will continue to expose the coalition for what they are - idealogues pursing an agenda to benefit theirselves and their superwealthy funders.
Support the Alternative on October 20th!
Support the Alternative on October 20th!
UNISON's alternative budget http://www.unison.org.uk/acrobat/18887.pdf