UNISON, the UK’s largest union, today welcomed the appointment of Jackie Smith as the new chief executive of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), saying that it will help usher in a much needed period of stability. The union has already developed a good working relationship with Ms Smith during her period as acting chief executive.
Gail Adams, UNISON Head of Nursing, said:
“The NMC has a vital role to play in providing a quality regulatory framework for nurses and midwives and Jackie Smith’s appointment will deliver much needed stability after a very difficult period. Nurses and patients need to have confidence that the NMC is working effectively and I believe that the changes that Jackie has already introduced are a good start.
“However, the proposed 58% fee increase must be tackled head on. This rise is simply unfair on nurses and midwives who are in the middle of a two-year pay freeze and struggling to make ends meet.
“The NMC currently faces a number of challenges and we look forward to working with Ms Smith to help put the organisation on a more stable and effective footing, for the benefit of registrants and patients.”