UNISON's most senior lay body, the NEC consists of members from all regions and service groups. It decides on issues and campaigns between conferences, and works with UNISON staff to support members.
NEC members also represent UNISON and its membership to the wider world.
At least two thirds of the seats are held by women and 13 seats are reserved for low-paid women.
The nomination period for the 2013 NEC election opens on Wednesday 9 January and closes at 5pm on Friday 22 February. The results will be published on 10 June.
The election procedures and forms can be downloaded from the NEC elections page,
Further guidance for members, prospective candidates and nominating bodies is also available
For any other election enquiries, contact the member liaison unit at UNISON centre. Telephone 020 7121 5312, email elections@unison.co.uk.